Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's been a while

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Hello.  I just wanted to put up a post because I haven't posted for a couple of weeks.  I have been super busy and part of that business has to do with the birthday parties that I host for SCRAP.  I just wanted to post a picture of a very SCRAPpy and awesome robot that was made at last Sunday's b-day party.

Pretty cool.  He later added two very large gold knitting needles, one on each arm to serve as katanas.  It really took the robot to another level :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Byce's B-day Present

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So my good friend Bryce collects belt buckles and pretty much that will be his birthday present until he dies, at least from me.  Last year I bought him a belt buckle at a thrift store with an adorable road runner on it.
However, I wanted to decorate one myself, but I wasn't sure where to purchase a blank belt buckle.  Anyway, about two weeks before his birthday, which was on Mother's Day -- happy Mother's Day everyone a skosh late -- somebody donated a whole box of blank belt buckles.  I couldn't believe.  I snatched up all 21 one of them.
So Bryce really likes zombies and I came upon this trading card for Archie McPhee's, which is a toy and novelty store located in Seattle.  It couldn't have been any more perfect in my opinion.
So here is my first attempt at decorating a belt buckle:

I think it turned out pretty good.  Bryce liked it.  The only mishap was that I put the image on upside-down.  It can still be worn, you just have to put your belt on from the other side, which is a bit weird, I guess.  Well, like I told Bryce, there's always next year~
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